I'm at the beginning of understanding a new perspective on consciousness and reality that includes the paranormal. "The Power of Now" is a good baseline for where I seem to be heading with my new understanding.
Along with that has come a renewed belief in the expanded perceptive abilities of humans.
I, however, have always been an analytical/logical person. My readings are suggesting that is a barrier to awakening whatever ability I may have.
The closet I've had to paranormal experiences were a dream visit from my Grandpa and a method I use for finding things that involves clearing my mind and visualizing the thing I'm looking for and following where it feels like it should be. It's not reliable in a way that I'd call a "gift," just something I do. I'm starting with meditaion. It's been good for me in a lot of ways. I'm in a rural town in the Bible Belt so there's no resources physically here. Any tips on getting started or even if it's possible for a hyper-logical person such as myself? Some online assessment at a website by Dr. Lesley Phillips peggged me as a logical type for whom awakening would be diffficult if not impossible. Thank you.
Michael, logic is not a block it is simply a different way of learning. It's not impossible, it requres a differnt perspective from who you're learning from. There are a lot of logical intuative practitioners in our group.
This ability is about connecting and being aware of what most people would logically ignore out of self fear or social pressure.
I encourage you to join our online group, take our foundations course or join our mentorship program. (no self plugging at all.)
Even if it's not with us, just keep going.